MC Erik & Barbara / Gold

Songs & Lyrics


Dancing Queen

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a King
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the music's high
With a bit of dance music, everything is fine
You're in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance...
You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen

You're a teaser, you turn 'em on
Leave them burning and then you're gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
You're in the mood for a dance

Dancing Queen, you're gonna burn me up
Dancing Queen, baby please don't stop
Dancing Queen, you are makin' me strong
With this song all night long
Dancing Queen, you will give me the power
I wanna be your king, I wanna be your lover
Flow with me all through the night by my side

And when you get the chance...

You are the Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing Queen, feel the beat from the tambourine oh yeah
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing Queen


Anjel II
Jeden malý anjel sa so mnou hrával
Dopadla som zle, mala som srdce rozbité
Vždy novým šípom dokopy mi ho dával
Vravel, to nič, všetko čo bolí, raz pominie
Pravdu mal, to každý pochopil
Až keď odišiel a už sa nevrátil

Nechal mi tu Teba
Už nie som sama a Ty nie si sám
Naučil ma nebáť sa toho
Že opäť to bude len klam
Ty vieš, že ja Ti verím
Že nás dvoch už nič nerozdelí
Ja ťa ľúbim, stále ľúbim viac a viac

Jeden malý anjel aj so mnou sa chcel hrávať
Dopadol som zle, stále bol som sám
Aj keď nie je to nič zvláštne, aj to sa stáva
Vedel som predsa, že miesto mám
V srdci voľné pre niekoho, kto tiež sa zvykol hrávať
Dúfal som, že mi môj anjel poradí
On ukázal mi Teba, ja nemohol som spávať
Zrazu som vedel, že si to Ty
To dievča, ktoré ma nenechá plávať
Keď bude mi ťažko, keď budem na tom zle
A lásku nielen berie, ale vie ju aj dávať
A to je práve to, čo tak veľmi som chcel
Si dievča, aké som hľadal už roky
Ak chceš, tak Ti to poviem aj milionkrát
A ten, čo mi ťa dal, teraz stráži naše kroky
A počúva, ako mám ťa rád

Teraz sa už malý anjel len z výšky díva
Stráži moje šťastie, čo mi raz priniesol
Vedel, čo chcem, vedel, o čom snívam
Tak splnil môj sen a zrazu si pri mne bol
Ja viem, že on sa nestratil
Aj keď odišiel a už sa nevrátil

Nechal mi tu Teba, lebo vedel
Že rada ťa mám
Hľadíme na seba, a ja sa vznášam až ku hviezdam
Budeme tam spolu bývať
A môj anjel sa bude na nás dívať

Ako ťa ľúbim, stále ľúbim viac a viac

Teraz sa už anjel iba z výšky díva
Na naše šťastie, čo nám obom dal
Rozmýšľam, či je to pravda, a či snívam
Tak veľmi sme to chceli, že aj osud nám prial
Stojíme oproti a hľadíme na seba
A ja nám v duchu staviam krásny hrad
V ktorom budeš mať mňa a ja budem mať Teba
A všade bude znieť, ako mám ťa rád

Hudba: Audio icon anjel_2.mp3

I love this game

I got my rap, my style
That's gonna make smile
On a white face, black face, yellow and a red face
Give up, stand up
I wanna see your hands up
I'm on a mic and I make your body move up
Now I wanna rap out
I wanna shout
'cos my love things are music and my playground
There I have my friends and I play my basketball
'cos I love this game like a pupil from the school
I said I love this game
We all love this game
Because I love this game
We all love this game
I said I love this game
We all love this game
I say I love this game

Here we go

I love this game
This game will move you up
I love this game
I love my playground
I love this game
This game will move you up
I love this game
I love my court and friends


I'm free

I'm free, I'm free, I love this way
I know, what I say
I'm free, I love this way, I'm free

RAP 1:
I'm free in New York City
In London, Paris, Bratislava ragga muffin hear ya
Make a better rhytm to be on the floor
Make more friends as I open the door
Come baby, come baby, give me your hands
This ragga music makes better friends
When you make a song, save this file
'cause I wanna dance in a raggamanna style
Come baby, come baby, don't let me stand
Take my mind in a ragga land
Play my song now in the place
RAP 2:
In a ragga rhytm people are groovin'
In a ragga dansa your body is movin'
I taste my freedom and I wanna scream
My name is MC ERIK & BARBARA
And we are free

Hudba: Audio icon im_free.mp3

It's your day

Why is fate so hard
Why don't respect human life
Why is fate so hard
Why must people die, children cry

It's your day
Now I hear the scream
It's your day
Had to wait so long for it
It's your day
The sign comes from your mind
It's your day
The right is on your side
Why you must live in a dirty house
Why you must be always hungry
Why you must live in everyday fear
When bad people come and drop the bombs
Why you must suffer this damned war
Why you must see your little child cry
Why you must live in this hell
'cos one time will finally come your day

Get up, get up, get up and don't stop
Get up, get up I don't let you stop
Get up, get up, get up and don't stop
Get up
Everebody's doing right, all day and night
Everybody's doing, fight for your right


Never gonna

Never gonna do what you do, you should know I'll never do
Never gonna do what you do, you should know, It's not only you
Never gonna do what you do, I'll never say I love you
Only if I'm sure boy that you want me too

Hey man, who do you think you are
You act like a boss, you feel like a star
You think that every girl is stupid
You raise your hands, she jumps like a snoopy
No, the truth is somewhere else
Here comes the woman, hear what she says
It's enough to be normal
Then you have the chance to win this girl
You, I'll never do what you want
I'll never do what you say
I'll never do what you do

So here I am to teach you something
How to charm girl, how to win her
Here I am to teach you something
How to treat girl, how to love her
Never forget that girl is your sunny,
your love, your secret, your darling, your honey
Don't make a macho, if you wanna this girl
Forget yourself, only think about her


Sen zvláštnu podobu máva, keď ho chceš vychutnať dosýta
Ten, čo sa vždy len schovával
Prichádza a teraz už na nič sa nepýta
Na teba hľadí

Viem, láska má veľa podôb
Nechce sa ukázať zranená
Môj sen však znamenal mnoho
Smútok a nádej si chodili bez mena
Zdalo sa mi, že sa svet zbláznil

Stál tam on a možno chcel byť mojím snom
Stál s nesmelým pohľadom
A možno hviezdy padali
Keď moje oči plakali
Možno mal ma veľmi rád
Len mi to nechcel dokázať
Bál sa mi svoje srdce dať
Chcel ho pred svetom ukrývať

Hudba: Audio icon sen.mp3

Keď príde láska
Keď láska príde k tebe, tak ju skús vážne brať
Keď láska príde, tak ju nenechaj vonku stáť
Keď láska príde k tebe, tak jej skús šancu dať
Možno sa ešte vráti, možno sa v diaľke stratí...

Keď príde láska, všetko môže byť krásne ako v mojich dávnych snoch
Keď príde láska, možno nechce básne, možno čaká len na nás dvoch
Keď príde láska, tak ti dáva návod, ako možeš ma nájsť
V tejto veľkej hmle falošných túžob
V tejto veľkej hmle prázdnych slov
Ked príde láska...
Tak ma nenechaj stáť
Ja stále verím, že vôjdeš do brány
Tak ma nenechaj stáť
Nech sa splní môj sen dávny
Tak ma nenechaj stáť
A ja naplním tvoje dni láskou
Tak ma nenechaj stáť
Ja ti dám všetko, čo mám

Keď príde láska, ty sa brániš, no ja viem, že zvádzaš boj
Keď príde láska, poďme ju chrániť a stratí sa nepokoj
Ked príde láska, chce len málo, ale dáva oveľa viac
Tento krásny súboj ma len víťazov
Kde je láska, tam nikto neprehrá
Keď príde láska


Save the jungle

Jungle, we have to save, I said
Jungle, I have to save, I said
Jungle, you have to save, I said
Jungle, we have to save.

We save the jungle for us
We save the jungle for us
We save the jungle for us
We save the jungle for us.
RAP 1:
We save the jungle, have more trees
We save the animals, they wanna live free
We save the jungle, I'll let you hear the drum
We need breath, we need oxygen.

We save the jungle, come on, let's do it
We save the flowers, so move it, so move it.
Don't let it be, better now than later
Save the jungle, save the nature.

RAP 2:
We save the jungle, we can't wait
We must help, tomorrow is too late
We save the jungle, now and today
But not there, we are so faraway.

We are gonna help here on the place
We are gonna scream so many days
We are gonna sing all night long
Everybody listen to the jungle song.


Tajné miesto

nebo a raj ..
každý máme tajné miesto
ja to viem
každý máme svoje miesto
všetko vie
všetky naše lásky
tam sa chcem
stále vrátiť
každý máme tajné miesto
aj keď dnes
každý už ide svojou cestou
ja sa vrátim
a bez veľkých slov
budem tam stáť
v objatí snov

mám tam nebo a raj
mám tam moje druhé ja
mám tam nebo a raj
tam sme stáli obaja
mám tam malý raj
kde to viem len ja a môj tieň
to nebo a raj
je tam kde v duchu stále zostanem

každý máme
tajné miesto snov
kde bol život
vždy iba hrou
môže to byť dom, dvor či škola
stále ťa tam ťahá
stále ťa tam volá
keď príde čas že spoznáš už všetko
vrátiš sa tam
na to tajné miesto
máš tam nebo a raj

každý máme svoje miesto
aj keď dnes
všetci už ideme svojou cestou
ja však viem
raz prídem tam
na tom mieste
kus seba mám. , rap:

nebo a raj..


U can't stop (radio edit)

You can't stop, make your body movin'
You can't stop, baby you gotta know
You can't stop, let the music groovin'
You can't stop, I'm ready to go (come, come, follow me)

RAP 1:
Can't stop, better move your body, don't wanna be lazy
Me with the microphone gonna make a people crazy
We and our friends wanna make a big party
So don't stop the music and let's go start
You can't stop, you can't stop this music
You can't stop, you can't stop this music
You can't stop, you can't stop this music
You can't stop, you can't than we gonna loose
You can't stop, you can't stop this music
You can't stop, you can't stop this music
Mister DJ, don't stop the music
You can't stop

Execute digital transfer
This is a much better music from a Slovak dancestyle
Yes, MC Erik and Barbara

RAP 2:
Can't stop, some big power's given me the energy
I can't explain it, you must try, you can't it imagine
It's no drugs, no cigarettes, on a party this have no place
Some homie T-shirt, some homie jeans, some homie shoes
and ...

RAP 3:
Yes, I wanna make one big party
Don't stop the music and let's go start
I feel better, I feel good with all my friends
We drink some juice and all night just dance.


Summer nights '95

Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
I met a boy, cute as can be
Summer days drifting away
To uh-oh a summer night

Tell me more, tell me more
Did you get very far?
Tell me more, tell me more
Like, does he have a car?
Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
I met a boy, cute as can be
Summer day drifting away
To the great summer night
To the summer night

He got friendly, holdin' my hand
She got friendly, down in the sand
He was sweet, just turned eighteen
She was cool, you know what I mean
Summer heat, boy an girl meet
but uh on the summer night

Tell me more, tell me more
Was it love at first sight?
Tell me more, tell me more
Did she put up a fight?

He got friendly, holdin' my hands
She got friendly, down in the sand
He was sweet, just turned eightteen
She was cool, you know what I mean
Summer heat, boy and girl meet
In the great summer night
Yeah, To the summer night